

 The Necro-Files

The Necro-Files by C.L. Bledsoe

Chigozie Anuli Mbadugha‘s review

Mar 31, 2017  

The Necro-Files was a brilliantly written, fast paced, captivating paranormal fiction. I could identify with the main character’s doggedness as a student seeking part time work to see her through college and the rejection she faced at her initial efforts to secure a job. Her desperation made her accept employment at a morgue. This was the beginning of her adventure into the supernatural world and unusual happenings in the morgue. I could hardly put the book down as I wanted to know if she would survive her ordeal at the end. The author C.L. Bledsoe explores the unknown in a witty, adventurous manner that is not horrifying, but extremely exciting. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a touch of the supernatural, mystery and a tinge of romance. Awesome read!

It was amazing!! Got my Five-Star rating easily.