
replace worry with prayer

Life is filled with choices. A series of well made choices results in success. Wrong choices in life if unchecked  often lead to disaster. There are some issues in which God chooses on our behalf…and we then have to believe that His choice is the best for us.

Fear, Worry, Doubt are valleys in which we can choose to settle, or we can pack our camping bags and head for the hilltop. The hilltop often gives us a more balanced view of the situations we worry about needlessly. God is omnipresent and is with us both in the valley and at the hilltop.

Praise can lift one up to a hilltop state in which worry rescinds and this sets the stage for faith to build up. Prayer backed by faith generates change. Today as Shelley Hitz advises in the inspirational quote above, choose to replace worry with prayer. Let’s soar!

For more inspirational quotes from Shelley Hitz, click on the link below: