It has been a roller coaster kind of year with the good, the bad and the …. (fill the gap).  But hey, I am alive and hopeful about the future and about my dreams! Often times we dwell and focus more on the things we do not have…YET and that denies us of the enjoyment of the things that we do have! I have chosen to have no regrets and to aspire even more!

So, I have had an interesting year and I thank God. Have I achieved all I set out to achieve at the beginning of the year…no, but I still have twenty-nine days left in the year!! So what happens if I am not able to accomplish it all? Nothing.

I will carry my list over if the goals are in line with my hopes, dreams and aspirations for 2016 and then add onto the list. For those goals that are no longer a part of my dream, I will hit the delete button.

Don’t count your unattained goals and dreams, count the progress you have made on them so far and be truly grateful for them. As we get ready for Christmas to celebrate the gift and birth of Jesus Christ, I pray that you will experience a new birth of your dreams and desires in every area of life!!

You can soar in 2016. Your past does not define you in anyway!. Let’s persevere and soar!!

Your friend,


    • Kola

    • 9 years ago

    Just discovered this blog, and really being encouraged by the writings within. Thanks for aharing, and looking forward to sharing yiur journeys with you.

  1. Hi Kola, thanks for visiting and I am delighted you found our sharing uplifting. Have an awesome 2016 and do stop by a bit more!

  2. Hi Kola, thanks for visiting and I am delighted you found our sharing uplifting. Have an awesome 2016 and do stop by a bit more!