beauty of their dreams quote

I must admit I have never been the strong confident person I think I should be. I am the reserved, behind the scene kind of person who would rather let others take the credit for what I probably should revel in. I admire and respect people who are strong, bold and confident. Kudos folks!

I am not hiding because I don’t believe in my dreams; I am hiding because I love my privacy too much – that peace and freedom that comes with living a simple, everyday life in which you don’t have to worry about who will recognize you on the street and publish in the tabloids that your make-up was not ‘on point,’ or that you wore last season’s clothes…

I think the future belongs to both the confident and the shy. If your vision is big enough, and most God-given dreams are, he will strip you of your shyness and give you boldness that comes form knowing Him and having an encounter with Him. It will not happen suddenly, it usually doesn’t, but over time, you will find that you are emboldened and strengthened till fear leaves you and faith takes over.

As we countdown to 2016, remember these two sayings:

God will NEVER give you a vision that you won’t need His help to accomplish.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams – Eleanor Roosevelt

Thanks Shelley Hitz for sharing this amazing inspirational quote.

Let’s soar in 2016!!