
It is that time of the year when we celebrate the women in our lives who have had great influence on us; who have nurtured and moulded us over the years, often making untold sacrifices for us. Some of them are not even family members. They are gifts from heaven sent our way to lift us up in the dark times an to mentor us as we trudge along life’s challenges. I have many of them in my life. Some of them are family, most are not. As we appreciate these women today, let us not just utter words, but live a life of genuine appreciation. Let them know they are loved!

To all the beautiful women in my life who have reminded me of the heart of God, to all the women trusting God for the gift of motherhood, to all the hardworking women who stay focused

because they want their children to have a better life, HAPPY MOTHERS’s DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay healthy, make the right choices. Even as you look after your family, please look after yourself….too.