
February is viewed as the month of love. The climax for a lot of people is Valentine’s Day. From my purview, everyday should be Valentine’s day! Everyday is an opportunity for us to appreciate the gift of family, friends and loved ones in our lives; to review the relationships and friends we are in. Do we bring “Valentine” values to our friends and family? Such as:

  • Value
  • Appreciation
  • Loyalty
  • Encouragement
  • Nurturing
  • Trustworthiness
  • Inspiration
  • Note worthy
  • Expressiveness
Feel free to substitute my “Valentine” values for what is important to you.

Are our attitudes so positive and uplifting that we are natural leaders wherever we tread? Do we point people towards a closer walk and intimacy with God? Not necessarily by our words, but by our actions and faithfulness? or do we give acquaintances and colleagues one more reason to draw away from God and anyone, or anything that represents Him?

For me, valentine is about humanity: Lending a helping hand to the needy around us;  
Providing a support system for other people’s dreams; Giving someone else a reason to smile, dream and live. For in uplifting others, we too are lifted.
So, for the rest of 2016, let everyday be a valentine for us all. Let’s show each other the support we need to soar! Blessings!