
Hi  there!
I am sure you are wondering what I have been up to. It has taken me over three weeks to share my thoughts and I  have been getting ‘leadings’ to put pen to paper all this while! Suffice it to say that I am still a work in progress in this obedience business. May God give  all of us grace to obey His directions. Amen o!

I have been STRESSED lately. Sometimes, even too stressed to  sleep! Do you think one can be too stressed to sleep? Or too tired to sleep? Let me  know what you think!  But the good news is that I have been working on a book project which  I want to believe I commenced in obedience to a leading. (As in, you know, It’s like…lol!)

My book ‘Beyond the Trial’ is an inspirational collection of three African based stories that highlights strategies for coping with rejection, betrayal, abuse, injustice….and encourages us to turn our trials into testimonies, setbacks into stepping stones and insults into results. If there is ONE book you should read this year, it is BEYOND THE TRIAL. It is a must read for the entire family! You won’t be able to put it down!

It celebrates the challenges and struggles of African women living in a largely patriarchal society who put the love of children and family above themselves. It  highlights the force and ability of determination to rewrite destiny after monumental mistakes! Let’s rewrite destiny this year. Let’s inspire one another for  greatness!

Hang in there! You were sent to the world at such a time as this to affect your generation  positively! See you in the Hall of fame!

BEYOND  THE TRIAL- emerges a stronger YOU!

Available from:

AuthorHouse Bookstore

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